roof restoration Wollongong

Roof Replacement vs Roof Restoration in Wollongong

The importance of a good, functional roof is obvious. It is what protects your home and everyone inside. You need a regular inspection of your roof as it allows you to spot damages and also assess its severity. When the roof damages are addressed immediately, they can prevent further damage and can help save time, money, and effort. If the damage is not extensive, roof restoration in Wollongong should be enough to add life to it. But there will come a time when roof restoration will not be enough to save the integrity of your roof and will need to be replaced.

roof restoration Wollongong

What is Roof Restoration in Wollongong?

When a roof is restored, its original material is left in place. Before restoring, the roof is inspected to determine the damages, and then repairs are conducted before restoring it. A protective coating is the applied to seal your roof . The process is less invasive than roof replacement and can be done quickly.

What is a Roof Replacement?

Roof replacement involves replacing the entire roof. All the materials are removed and then installed. This option is picked when the roof is beyond repairable and has frequent problems that are not always addressed with roof restoration and only get worst. A roof replacement in Wollongong will solve all the problems you are having with your roof rather than covering up the damages.

Why is Roof Replacement Better Than Roof Restoration in Wollongong for Damaged Roofs?

If you notice your roof is not working as it should or has been damaged, you need to choose between roof replacement or roof restoration. While roof restoration in Wollonngong is good for relatively newer roofs with fewer damages, older roofs with numerous problems should always be replaced.

Here are some of the top benefits you enjoy when you choose roof replacement in Wollongong –

  • Resolves Damages – If your roof is extremely damaged, then restoration will not be an option anymore and will have to be replaced. Roof replacement takes care of roofing problems and ensures any underlying damages are taken care of.
  • Lasts Longer – Roof replacement ensures your property is protected for longer than what you get with a roof restoration. A new roof will last for decades, making it a great investment.
  • Adds Value – A new roof will not only look beautiful but will add value to your property. If you want to sell your property, you can be sure of getting top dollars with a completely new roof.
  • More Options – Roof replacement allows you to customise your roof as you want. You are not bound by the same old roofing tiles and choose a more durable and efficient roofing material such as Colorbond.

Hire a Roofing Company with Experience in Wollongong

After reviewing the information mentioned above, you may better understand when a roof replacement is necessary instead of a roof restoration in Wollongong. If you are not sure, hire a professional roofing contractor to help you make the right decision. It takes a skilled and experienced eye to understand a roof’s needs. At Wollongong Metal Roofing Solutions, we offer free inspections to help determine the condition of your roof, and a roof replacement is inevitable.

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